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Anthonij Rupert Wines

Serruria Chardonnay 2021

Region : Hemel & Aarde
Weinlese : 2021
Weintrauben : Chardonnay
Farbe : Weiß
Alkoholgehalt : 14.5%
Nicht auf Lager

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Serruria Chardonnay 2021

Serruria Chardonnay 2021

Nicht auf Lager


Two separate vineyards were hand-picked into small lug-boxes at optimal ripeness in the early morning and transported to the cellar in refrigerated trucks. The fruit was whole-bunch pressed, and the juice allowed to settle overnight without
the use of enzymes before being transferred to 300? French oak barrels (30% new) the following day where spontaneous fermentation occurred. The wine was aged on the gross lees for 11 months, with approximately 30% completing malolactic fermentation during this time.

Orange blossom and stone fruit are discernible on the nose, with a subtle underpinning of caramel and vanilla. The palate is fresh and vibrant with lively nectarine and citrus flavours and a trace of zesty rind. Balanced and restrained with signature elegance and refinement, the gentle creamy vanilla oak nuance lends depth, structure and charm. Overall, a rounded, textured mouthful with a long, rewarding tail that ends with a light marmalade farewell.

Zusammensetzung: 100% Chardonnay

Flaschengröße:   750 ml
Alkoholgehalt:  14 %
Säuregehalt:  7,0 g/l
pH:  3,26
RS:  3,8 g/l


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