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De Toren Private Cellar

Fusion V 2019

Region : Stellenbosch
Weinlese : 2019
Weintrauben : Red Blend Bordeaux
Farbe : Rot
Alkoholgehalt : 14.5%
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Fusion V 2019

Fusion V 2019

Nicht auf Lager



The 2019 vintage of De Toren Fusion V exhibits many "European characteristics", due to the season's cooler weather conditions. This has led to the introduction of distinct, new qualities in this vintage's blend, amongst which a sense of greater purity along with phenolic ripeness at a lower sugar level, is evident. In addition, the Fusion V blend's hallmark characteristics of great balance and harmonyremain pleasingly apparent.
On the nose, a bouquet of ripe sweet red cherries, blueberries, sweet spice, and subtle nuances of oak prevail, accentuating the fruit. Seamlessly integrated and immensely elegant. The taste profile of Fusion V 2019 is vibrant and moderately fullbodied. Fine-grained, yet polished tannins are present in this wine. The red cherry bouquet is unmistakable, leaving the 2019 vintage creamy, layered and delightfully well-balanced for its age.

Zusammensetzung: 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Malbec, 14% Merlot , 10% Cabernet Franc, 5% Petit Verdot

Flaschengröße:   750ml
Alkoholgehalt:  14,5%
Säuregehalt:  5,3 g/l
pH:  3,65
RS:   1,9 g/l


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