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De Trafford Wines

Straw Wine 2016

Weingut :
Region : Stellenbosch
Weinlese : 2016
Weintrauben : Chenin Blanc
Farbe : Weiß
Alkoholgehalt : 9.0%

Begrenzte Menge. Verbleibende Produkte: 7

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Straw Wine 2016

Straw Wine 2016



Attractive deep yellow colour. Intense honey, apricot, nuts and citrus nose.

The palate is sweet and concentrated with just enough acidity and oak tannins to compliment and deliver a long, lingering finish.

This wine is a dessert all on its own - a real treat after the meal. Delicious with biscotti and various nuts. Compliments slightly tart fruit desserts and good pate's beautifully.

Zusammensetzung: Chenin Blanc 100%

Flaschengröße:   375ml
Alkoholgehalt:  10,88%
Säuregehalt:  7,0
pH:  3,91
Zucker:  265


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