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Delaire Graff

CWG Delaire Graff Estate Banghoek Cabernet Sauvignon 2018

Weingut :
Region : Stellenbosch
Weinlese : 2018
Weintrauben : Cabernet Sauvignon
Farbe : Rot
Alkoholgehalt : 14.5%

Begrenzte Menge. Verbleibende Produkte: 5

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CWG Delaire Graff Estate Banghoek Cabernet Sauvignon 2018

CWG Delaire Graff Estate Banghoek Cabernet Sauvignon 2018



About the Cape Winemakers Guild (CWG):

Every year in October the CWG auction is being held at Spiers/Stellenbosch. All winemakers of the Guild are allowed to present one or two specific wines made only for this event showing great quality basically to market the wine making capabilities of the estate and South Africa in general. That auction is well positioned in the wine industry and every year wine lovers and collectors from all over the world join the event to bid for the finest South African wines. All these wines are being sold in smaller quantities. Most wines stay in South Africa and they are nearly impossible to find in Europe. Except for the wines we are buying at CWG.

Flaschengröße:   750ml
Alkoholgehalt:  14,50%


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